Uit die hoof se kantoor
Gedurende my tyd in 2024 as skoolhoof, kan ek getuig dat die Here vir Hoërskool Ficksburg is. Sy hand is oor ons en ons behoort aan Hom. Ons sien uit vir Sy plan met ons skool.
Our new, youthful staff are always willing to go the extra mile and we are excited for the season of growth that awaits our school. Thank you to the all role players who contributed to the success of the school this year. A special thanks to Mrs M Pelser, Mr J Swanepoel, Ms Els and Mrs Y Maree. I could never have done this without you!
Ons is trots op ons skool, ons leerders en elke onderwyser. Ons glo in ons skool en ons sal nooit gaan lê nie.
“Never Ever Give Up”
Johan Hanekom
Skoolhoof van Hoërskool Ficksburg
Uit die adjunkhoof se kantoor
Dit is ‘n voorreg om die skool en die gemeenskap van Ficksburg te dien.
2024 was ‘n jaar vol uitdagings en veranderings maar ons is nietemin opgewonde oor wat in die toekoms wag.
Numeri 6:24 “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace”
Marnel Pelser
Adjunkhoof van Hoërskool Ficksburg
Voor: Mevv. A de Meyer (finansies) en M van Zyl (HR).
Agter: Mev. B de Meyer (skoolhoof sekretaresse) en Mnr. J Hanekom (skoolhoof).
Our School Management Team
Front from left to right: Mrs M Pelser (deputy principal), Mr J Hanekom (principal), Mr J Swanepoel (acting deputy principal), Mrs S van Schalkwyk (DH).
Back from left to right: Mrs B Da Silva (internal DH), Miss L Els (DH), Mr J Troost (DH), Mrs I Pretorius (interal DH), Mr G Pelser (internal DH), Mrs C Swanepoel (interal DH).